Oral Presentations

11:40 AM (GMT -3)

Effect of biofumigation with Brassica spp. on shaping the microbiota of cultivated soil  | Infantino A. , Patalano G., Bergamaschi V., Orzali L., Valente M.T., Pirone L., Haegi A., A. Grottoli A.
Speaker: Alessandro Infantino

Biosolarization of soil and substrates using plants infested with cucumber green mottle mosaic virus | Janssen D., Marín-Guirao J.I. y de Cara, M.
Speaker: Miguel de Cara

Development of a rapid and low-cost method for the determination of total glucosinolates in breeding programs for biofumigant cultivars of Brassica juncea (Indian mustard)  | Perniola O.S., Chorzempa S.E., Alonso, D.O., Astiz Gassó M.M.y Aulicino M.B
Speaker: Omar Perniola



Session A | Session B

Session A

Adoption of Biofumigation and Biosolarization in the Horticultural Belt of Greater La Plata | Cuellas, M., Sánchez, E
Alternatives to chemical soil disinfection in strawberry cultivation, Arroyo Leyes Santa Fe | Chasco, S. & Guerra, S.
Biocontrol of weeds through in vitro biofumigation with an experimental cultivar of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) | Chorzempa, S.E., Perniola, O.S., Aulicino, M.B., Noelting, M.C., Moscheñski, S., Kolomys Molteni, L., & Onesti, N.
Biosolarization as a sustainable alternative for soil disinfection in commercial strawberry crops | Sordo, M. del H., Puerta, A.
Greenhouse soil biosolarisation with fresh sheep manure does not eliminate native bacteria with suppressive properties. | Marín-Guirao, J.I , & de Cara-García, M.
Biosolarization in a bell pepper greenhouse in Oran, Salta, Argentina | García, J.C., Checa, S., y Medina, O.D.
Biosolarization for the management of nematodes in a horticultural greenhouse in Costa Sacate, Córdoba, Argentina | Yosviak M.I., Meneguzzi N., Bono C., & Arnedo D.
Glucosinolate content in different growth stages of Delfina INTA mustard | Paunero, I.E.
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) cultivation in Buenos Aires, Argentina: effect of plant density on different morphological and productive parameters | Chorzempa, S.E.,  Aulicino, M.B.,  Perniola, O.S., Vuono Trotta, P.G., Moscheñski, S.M., Kolomys Moltoni, L.E., & Noelting, M.C.
Effectiveness of Using Recycled Silo Bags for Weed Control through biosolarization | Matoff, E., Mazzini, P., Meneguzzi, N., & Imhof, L.
Effect of biosolarization and calcium cyanamide on the yield and health of arugula under cover crops | Piris, E., Muñoz, S., Brambilla, M.V., Barbieri, M., Díaz, J.C., Celié, J., Perello, E , & Mitidieri, M.
Effects of biofumigation with Brassicaceae for nematode control in tomato-cropped soils in La Pampa | Grasso, R., Muguiro, A., & Pechin, C.
Low-impact strategies for potato soil-borne disease and pest management | Matteo, R., Lazzeri, L., Casadei, N., Bianchi, B., Nucci, M., Colleluori, C., Righetti, L., Montanari, M., Grottoli, A., & Parisi, B.
Study of four green manures for their cultivation and biofumigant use in Mediterranean greenhouse soils | Marín-Guirao, J.I., Peiró-Peiró, F., Arrescurrenaga, D., Cara-Rodríguez, F.J.,  & de Cara-García, M.
Evaluation of the effect of biofumigation with Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.) on Nematofauna | D’Amico, M., Perniola, O.S., Chorzempa, S.E., Sánchez, E.C., Astiz Gassó, M.M., & Molina, M. del C.
Evaluation of two alternative biosolarization dates in the Valle Inferior del Río Negro | Baffoni, P., Muzi, E.,  & Giovine, P
Impact of biofumigation and integrated strategies on free-living nematode communities in tomato | Magallanes-Tapia, M.A. & Pérez-Álvarez, S.
Genetic improvement of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) in Argentina: selection of new cultivars suitable for services crop | Perniola, O.S., & Chorzempa, S.E.

Session B


Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii as a biocontrol agent against grapevine phytopathogens | Sarti, G.; Alegre, A.; Cristóbal-Miguez, J.; Monteserín, C.; Dunogent, R; Paz-González A., & García, A
Biosolarization, an efficient alternative for disinfection and reuse of substrates in a garden-orchard | Puerta A. , Rubio E., Santos M., Pitarch R., Karlanian M., & Mantilla G.
Effect of different sequences of biofumigation treatments during 20 years on soil structural parameters in greenhouse | Barbieri, M., Muñoz, S., Perello Facciano, E., Celie, J., Brambilla, V., Díaz, J.C., Richmond, P., Piris, E., & Mitidieri, M.
Effect of different sequences of biofumigation treatments during 20 years on physicochemical parameters of greenhouse soil | Barbieri, M., Muñoz, S., Perello Facciano, E., Celié, J., Brambilla, V., Díaz, J.C., Piris E., & Mitidieri,  M.
Effect of biosolarization with mustard (Sinapis sp.) on microorganisms in soil cultivated with strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) | Borquez, A. M., & Quinteros, M. A.
Effect of biosolarisation with horticultural crop residues on the presence of pesticides in soil | Mitidieri, M., Brambilla, M. V., Barbieri, M., Piris E, Díaz, J, C,, Muñoz, S., & Celié, J.
Effect of biosolarization with arugula and Brassica carinata residues on the health and yield of family tomatoes | Perello, E., Brambilla, M.V., Barbieri, M., Piris, E., Díaz, J.C., Celié, J., & Mitidieri, M.
Effect of biosolarization with tomato or wild turnip residues on the population of soil pathogens in a horticultural greenhouse | Brambilla, M.V., Barbieri, M., Piris, E., Díaz, J.C., Celié, J., & Mitidieri, M
Effect of biosolarization with arugula and Brassica carinata on the health and yield of five tomato hybrids | Brambilla, M.V., Barbieri, M., Perello, E., Piris, E., Díaz, J.C., Celié, J., Muñoz, S., & Mitidieri, M.
Effect of repeated biosolarisation and solarisation treatments on tomato rhizosphere microorganisms | Peralta, R., Brambilla, V., Piris, E., Barbieri, M., & Mitidieri, M.
Effects of Inoculation with Azospirillum argentinense (Strain Az39) on the Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) var. Brisa | Musante, E., Bertollo, J., Puente, M., García, J., & Vallejos, D.
Effects of the Application of Native Microorganisms on Cassava (Manihot esculenta) | Bertollo, J., Musante, E., Burdyn, L., & Machado, J.
Effect of biosolarization with arugula and Brassica carinata residues on the population of soil pathogens | Perello, E., Brambilla, M.V., Barbieri, M., Piris, E., Díaz, J.C., Celié, J., Muñoz, S., & Mitidieri, M.
Evaluation of the antagonistic effect of bacteria isolated from the endorizosphere of tomato cultivated in biosolarized soils | Peralta, R., Brambilla, V., Piris, E., Barbieri, M., & Mitidieri, M.
Evaluation of the antagonistic effect of fungi isolated from the endorizosphere of tomato cultivated in biosolarized soils | Peralta, R, Brambilla, V., Piris, E., Barbieri, M., y Mitidieri, M.
Preliminary evaluation of Capsicum (chili pepper) extracts as insecticide for the control of Drosophila suzukii | Ledesma S.C., Marcinkevicius K., Fernandez M.T., Mariotti Martinez J.A, Grignola J., & Funes C.F.
Preliminary evaluation of Cedrela balansae and Toona ciliata extracts as insecticides for Drosophilid control | Grignola, J., Ledesma, S.C., Salazar, S.M., Vera, N., & Funes, C.F.
Exploration in the development of a biopreparation based on Glucosinolates | Barbieri S.C., Peluso M.L., Marino D.J.G., & Marasas M.E.