Local time Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Friday 25
8 am Acreditation Welcome Day 2 Welcome Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
8.10 Matt Back Potato cyst
nematode management using biofumigants
Peter-Jan Jongenelen
Research in cover crop mixes and soil biodiversity,  particularly pathogens
Transfer to La Plata (beguns 6 am aproximately) Visit to horticultural farms in Jujuy and Salta
8.40 Dale Gies. Practical
applications of biofumigation in farming
Giampiero Patalano & Roberto Matteo – Biofumigant meals/liquids – innovative applications of biofumigation
9 am Welcome Speech
9.10 Q&A session
Moderators: Alessandro Infantino and Marisol Cuellas with the collaboration of Estela Piris.
Q&A session
Moderators Julie Finnigan and Silvina Restovich with the collaboration of Martín Barbieri
9.30 Luis Wall. Soil microbiome and its interaction with biofumigation, green manure and cover crops 
9.50 Coffee Break Coffee Break
10 am Miguel De Cara. Biosolarization for the Agroecological Transition of Protected Crops Visit to La Plata Green belt
10.20 Oral Presentations (including Q&A Session) (5 presentations 120 minutes)
Moderators: Matthew Back and Analía Puerta with the collaboration of Eliana Perello
Oral Presentations (including Q&A Session) (4 presentations 90 minutes)
Moderators: Miguel de Cara and Natalia Meneguzzi with the collaboration of Martín Ferrari
10.30 Q&A session
Moderators: Mariel Mitidieri and Verónica Obregón with the help of Andrés Re.
11 am
11.10 Coffee Break
11.40 Oral Presentations (including Q&A Session) (3 presentations – 80
Moderators: Roberto Matteo an Luis Wall with the collaboration of Martín Ferrari..
Closure of the event &
Group photograph
12 am
12.30 Lunch Lunch Lunch
13 pm Lunch
Posters session 2:
Green manures and cover crops (The paper posters will remain on display until noon on Wednesday. The digital posters are already available and will remain accessible throughout the event.)
Visit to Producer Martín Funes in Baradero  and strawberry farms in Zárate, and return
(80 km from Symposium Place)
Transfer to Buenos Aires (ends Day 4)
14 pm

Posters session 1

Biofumigation (The paper posters will remain on display until noon on Wednesday. The digital posters are already available and will remain accessible throughout the event.)
14.50 Visit to INTA San Pedro Experimental Station and field trials, and
return (20 km from Symposium Place)
15 pm
16 pm
17 pm
Extras Boat trip on Paraná river Visit to historic centre in San Pedro Buenos Aires City tour
Dinner and Tango Show
Flight to Jujuy
Overnight San Pedro San Pedro Buenos Aires Jujuy



Monday 21st. Moderators: Mariel Mitidieri and Verónica Obregón with the help of Andrés Re.

Tuesday 22nd. Moderators: Alessandro Infantino and Marisol Cuellas with the collaboration of Estela Piris.

Wednesday 23rd. Moderators: Miguel de Cara and Natalia Meneguzzi with the collaboration of Martín Ferrari

Oral Presentations

Monday 21st 
Moderators: Roberto Matteo y Luis Wall with the help of Martín Ferrari..

Tuesday 22nd
Moderators: Matthew Back y Analía Puerta with the help of Eliana Perello

Wednesday 23rd
Moderators: Miguel de Cara y Natalia Meneguzzi with the help of Martín Ferrari

Posters sessions

Monday 21st
Sessions A: Moderators: Massimo Montanari y Marco Damico with the help of Eliana Perello.Sessions B: Moderators: Laura Hansen y Fedra Albarracín with the help of Virginia Brambilla

Tuesday 22nd
Sessions A: Moderators: Dale Gies y Damián Belladonna with the help of  Andrés Re.

Sessions B: Moderators: Peter jan-Jongenelen y Fedra Albarracín with the help of  Virginia Brambilla.

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