Biofumigation and biosolarization experiences for intensive crop production in ArgentinaMariel S. Mitidieri1, María Virginia Brambilla1, Estela B. Piris1, Martín Barbieri1, Marisol Cuellas1, Paula Amoia1,...Read more
Control of soil pathogens in Corrientes by biosolarisationVerónica Obregón Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bella Vista; Argentina [email protected]...Read more
Organic matter effect on soil pathogens control in NOACeferino R. Flores, Martín J. Castro Rojas, Rosario Vitoria, Noelia Rueda, Rosa E. Rueda, Alejandro...Read more
Developing the Indian mustard cultivar “Santa Catalina UNLP” for soil biofumigationOmar Salvador Perniola 1,2; Silvia Elena Chorzempa2; Marco D’Amico3; Sebastián Staltari1; María del Carmen Molina1;...Read more
Biofumigation combined with solarisation in greenhouses: an experience for sustainable soil pest, disease and weed managementMaria Iohanna Yosviak1, A. Lóndero2, G. Gerez3, A. Pérez4, I. Rolhaiser4, Natalia Meneguzzi5 1Instituto Nacional...Read more
Green manure and cover crops used to optimise cultural work in horticultureJuan Pablo Ponce1 y Gustavo Ahumada2; 1Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina...Read more
Biofumigation experiences in La Plata Green Velt (Buenos Aires, Argentina)Susana B. Martínez, Mariana Garbi, Lucrecia Puig, María Herminia Abre, Delfina Guaymasí, Marco D´Amico, Maria...Read more
Control of nematodes in Corrientes by biofumigationPablo I. Gauna, Leticia Zequeira, Diego A. Soliz, y Fabio Benítez Instituto Nacional de Tecnología...Read more
Service crop to reduce soil preparation in off-season vegetable field cultivation in Colonia Santa Rosa, Salta, ArgentinaJuan C. García1, Joaquín Fernández de Ullivarri1 y Omar D. Medina2 1Establecimiento productivo La Selvita...Read more
Service crops in strawberry production in Jujuy province, ArgentinaJavier Bautista & Omar D. Medina Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Cátedra...Read more
What soil indicators modify cover crops in long-term trials in intensive under cover systems?Cristian Álvarez, Alberto Muguiro y Carlos Pechín Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental...Read more
Use of green manures in intensive crops in the Cuyo regionAgustina Flores y Yanina Marchesini Asociación Tomate 2000; Argentina [email protected] Abstract Cuyo region soils are...Read more
Effect of incorporation of compost and bovine rumen content on different variables evaluated in soil and tomato plantsIgnacio David Fernández1, Juan José López2, Luis Emanuel Visentini3, y María Jimena Lunad Rocha4 1Instituto...Read more
Tomato crop health, yield and greenhouse soil quality after 17 years of repeated biosolarization treatmentsMariel S. Mitidieri1, Virginia Brambilla1, Martín Barbieri1, Estela Piris1, Ramón Celié1, y Eliseo Chaves2 1Instituto...Read more
Biosolarization adoption for vegetable under protected cultivation, in Zárate, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMariel S. Mitidieri1, Virginia Brambilla1, Estela Piris1, Martín Barbieri1, Leonardo García1 y Néstor Paolinelli2 1Instituto...Read more
Use of green manures in Great La Plata horticultural beltMarisol Cuellas Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Área Metropolitana Buenos Aires....Read more
Exploratory study on the effectiveness of different biosolarisation and solarisation dates in Rio Negro River Inferior ValleyPatricia Baffoni, Pablo Giovine, y Enrique Muzi Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental...Read more
Service crop in two off-season pepper greenhouses in Oran, Salta, ArgentinaSantiago Checa1, y Omar D. Medina2 1Establecimientos productivos Los Tucanes y Las Timitas; Argentina 2Universidad...Read more