Agustina Flores y Yanina Marchesini

Asociación Tomate 2000; Argentina

[email protected]


Cuyo region soils are characterized by poor organic matter content (less than 1.5%) and lack of structure. In addition, soils not cultivated during the winter are more prone to erosion, excessive desiccation, and blowing away due to rain and wind. Based on this problem, an experience was carried out in the province of San Juan, Argentina in 2016. In a farm located in the Médano de Oro district, Rawson department, 9 different species were sown to be used as green manures, mostly grasses among which are Hordeum vulgare (barley), Secale cereale (rye), Triticum x Secale (triticale) and Sinapsis alba (mustard), among others. Laboratory measurements showed that mustard was the species that produced the greatest amount of dry matter per hectare, reaching 9,200 kg/ha, followed by barley with a production of 6,000 kg/ha, and in third place rye with 5,200 kg/ha. Although mustard is the species that produces the greatest amount of dry matter under optimal irrigation conditions, rye is the one that can contribute more amounts of dry matter to the soil under conditions of water scarcity, a situation that is increasingly common in San Juan and Mendoza provinces. Because of this and its cold resistance, it is the species commonly chosen by producers in the region.

Full article (in Spanish)