Impact of cover crops in intensive production systems: changes in productivity and edaphological variables after 13 years of accumulated effect. | Muguiro A., Álvarez C., Pechin C., Grasso R.
Speaker: Alberto Muguiro
🥈 Alternative carbon sources for anaerobic soil disinfestation in California strawberry | Daugovich, O., Muramoto, J., & Henry, P.
Speaker: Oleg Daugovish
Permanent vegetation cover contributes to the management of Botrytis bunch rot (Botrytis cinerea) | Bernaschina Y., Rossini C., Speroni G., Burgueño A., Trujillo C., Leoni, C.
Speaker: Yesica Bernaschina
🥈 Influence of different green manures on soil respiration in Mediterranean greenhouses | Fernández-López V., Marín-Guirao J.I., Cara-Rodríguez F.J., Arrescurrénaga D., Peiró-Peiró F. y de Cara-García M.
Speaker: Ignacio Marín Guirao
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